Sitting is a death sentence.
Sedentary lifestyles are the new cigarettes.
(I suppose that makes cigarettes the new meth, then?)
Are you sitting me?
Let’s stop the attack on our health!
For every hour of sitting we are committing:
Walk for 10 minutes. (or for 10 bodyweight squats).
🚶10 minutes of walking or 10 squats
🪑Every hour of sitting.
Too much sitting is killing us.
break up the sitting with some walking or squatting.
🥅Daily Goal—30 minutes of dedicated walking time or 30 (bodyweight) squats everyday.
🚶Walking 30+ minutes per day reduces mortality by 50%!
🎓How to squat 👇
Squatting is proposed as an option for when time/space/weather/needs dictate otherwise.
Furthermore, the beauty in this is the simplicity and consistency aspects that allow for all levels of fitness to reap the benefits of movement regardless of time/equipment access/fitness level. Further progressions or modifications of this plan are available. (IE, Walk or Squat variations/alternatives).
*A great way to get your 30 minutes of total walking in per day is to do a ten minute walk after each meal you eat. This method really optimizes your metabolism and proper absorption of your food as well.
Walking is one of the best ways to raise your NEAT (responsible for 15% of the calories your burn= 3 x the amount of calories you can burn via exercise). Thus, walking is a highly effective way to burn fat and is superior to cardio modalities that draw heavily upon your recovery capacity while also carrying higher injury risks.
As a professional all natural bodybuilder, I swear by walking as the cardio means I utilize on my way to being sub 8% body fat and stage ready.

WAYS BEEfit can help you know squat…
Squat clinic 8/23/24 @ 5pm
20 spots
RSVP “Squat clinic: newbee/intermediate/ or advanced” via email:
We will review warm up, set up and navigate through the mechanics for:
Bodyweight squat, goblet squat, and barbell front squat.
*(Participants will work on the variant best suited for their capability).
**Join our small group personal training class T/W/TH 530-7pm
***Set up personal training/training app with coach Ryan from BEEfit.
Posted on: July 29, 2024Ryan