Month: April 2020
A little move I call, “Dust the abs”
Interested in Donating?
Great! We are interested in accepting your donation!
Click the link and you should be able to set your choice of donation!
You can also prepay for training sessions if you prefer! (message me if you would like to go that route!)
Our Studio Training Center has been ordered to close by the state during COVID-19 and we have yet to be told when we may reopen. Any money donated will be used to pay for our rent and equipment leases that are still being charged during our closure. We are very thankful for any and all assistance. Bless you.
Everyone should be on Supplements!
When you replenish the body with the proper nutrients it responds with growth in the areas demanded by the stresses that impacted it. Improper nutrient support, improper exercise, and lack of rest will negatively affect the outcome. Maximize your potential by realizing these pillars of fitness.
Introduction stack (for those not currently exercising or just starting)
-Active Multivitamin (Regular, OVER50,Women’s, or children’s where applicable).
-SuperOmega (unless you are eating fatty wild fish daily)
-WheySmooth (everyone needs some more protein in their life, this formula is great for all body types and needs and works great in blended smoothies and added to foods)
Intermediate stack (for those working out regularly–3 x’s week or more)
-Active Multivitamin (Regular, OVER50,Women’s, or children’s where applicable).
-SuperOmega (unless you are eating fatty wild fish daily)
-WheySmooth (everyone needs some more protein in their life, this formula is great for all body types and needs and works great in blended smoothies and added to foods)
-AminoboostXXL (Helps maximize muscle protein synthesis by providing the proper ratio of EAAs and BCAAs to the body–and is equivalent to whole proteins)
-Workout Extreme (caffeine is a proven strength aid and this is a concentrated dose with delivery quantifiers that maximize its potency).
-Jointflex (If any joint inflammation–most of us have little injuries from the past and this awesome product helps alleviate joint and bone irritations. If you are fighting off niggling joint issues–this is a must have product!).
-pre/post protein workout formula (carbohydrates and protein at proper replenishment and growth ratios. Can also be used as a stand alone snack, in smoothies, and added to whey smooth to make for a heartier meal)
-dotbars/dotsticks/dot cookies (healthy snacks that are high in protein, low in calories=nutrient rich foods)
Advanced stack
-Active Multivitamin (Regular, OVER50,Women’s, or children’s where applicable).
-SuperOmega (unless you are eating fatty wild fish daily)
-WheySmooth (everyone needs some more protein in their life, this formula is great for all body types and needs and works great in blended smoothies and added to foods)
-AminoboostXXL (Helps maximize muscle protein synthesis by providing the proper ratio of EAAs and BCAAs to the body–and is equivalent to whole proteins)
-Workout Extreme (caffeine is a proven strength aid and this is a concentrated dose with delivery quantifiers that maximize its potency).
-Jointflex (If any joint inflammation–most of us have little injuries from the past and this awesome product helps alleviate joint and bone irritations. If you are fighting off niggling joint issues–this is a must have product!).
-pre/post protein workout formula (carbohydrates and protein at proper replenishment and growth ratios. Can also be used as a stand alone snack, in smoothies, and added to whey smooth to make for a heartier meal)
-dotbars/dotsticks/dot cookies (healthy snacks that are high in protein, low in calories=nutrient rich foods)
-Digestive Enzymes (a healthy gut is a gut that gets the most out of its nutrients)
-probiotic (Same as above)
-superior antioxidant (free radical cells aren’t going to fix themselves after all the destruction you do in the gym. Help your body restore and fight off cellular damage. The better you recover, the more you progress.)
-Creatine XXXL (your body cannot replace Creatine Phosphate levels in the muscles fast or well enough without supplementation after regular bouts of exercise over an extended period of time. Simple put, this is a proven enhancer for retaining and promoting lean tissue. This is good for MEN and WOMEN looking to lower their body fat while promoting lean tissue).
-Vitamin D3 (you don’t get enough sun unless you live in one of 7 states in the USA and you probably know your state. IE, year round tan lines.)
When you replenish the body with the proper nutrients it responds with growth in the areas demanded by the stresses that impacted it. Improper nutrient support, improper exercise, and lack of rest will negatively affect the outcome. Maximize your potential by realizing these pillars of fitness.
As we transition our lives many of us are realizing not just the importance of exercise, but the value of at home training systems. Without progressive resistance and intensity variation and knowledge of appropriate programming, at home training can be limited. For those looking to make continual advancements from the comfort of their own homes, it is vital to have systems in place that force us OUT of the comfort zone. BEEfit wants to assist you in achieving optimal workouts from home. We do this by helping our clients assess their at home training space, gain access to our wholesaler discounts on equipment, choose DIY installation or assisted installation, and then most importantly, we provide the PROFESSIONAL programming for your equipment from BEEfit.
-wholesale pricing on advanced training equipment
-home gym layout and design
-full fitness programming: Mobility, strength, agility, and nutrition.
-customizable: pick what services you want
Additionally, you can choose to attend classes, clinics, and do private training at BEEfit that will help advance your understanding of the training systems and further your success. Are you ready to make your home gym into the transitional training grounds that your body needs for the changes you want?
Contact Ryan at BEEfit today!
Help Support Us, Order Supplements
Supplements are essential to your health, even if you don’t lift weights or workout regularly. The fact is, you can’t get all the nutrients and minerals from food alone on a consistent basis. Without quality supplementation in addition to a good diet, you are likely to have nutritional deficiencies.
I have created a suitable stack of supplements for the average individual.
Adjust the Active Multivitamin to the women’s or OVER50 where applicable.
If you eat fatty wild fish 5-7 x week, forgo the SuperOmega.
1.Active Multivitamin,
2. SuperOmega
3. WheySmooth -OR- Pre/post (Difference is very few carbs 6g< vs. a few 33g per serving)
4. AminoBoostXXL (for pre/post/intra workout and for near Zero calorie protein)
5. And then I recommend having some dotBARs for snacking needs or to partner with the protein shakes for a full meal replacement.
All the rest of their products perform exactly as they claim–that is just one of the many benefits of using a fully certified, practitioner brand–their label claims are confirmed by third party certification. NSF approved!
Just Keep Moving. And Sometimes, Double Your Distance
A friend and fellow gym owner is interviewed for this article. One highlight that I will be exploring in depth next week, “Two words: jump rope,” says Mayo Clinic exercise physiologist Dr. Michael Joyner.
Additionally, a reminder that in addition to the free videos I have posted, I am also offering training programs based upon the equipment you have access to and providing links to my clients for available resistance means for progressive adaptations to continue.
In other words, if you are interested in maintaining and improving your fitness in these times, get at me, I am here to help and this is my passion, my profession, my ambition–to help improve the human condition through health and fitness.
PE with BEE day 5: Upper body super and giant sets
PE with BEE Upperbody 2, super and giant sets combining motions from upper body day 1.
Warm up: 3 x 10 wall V’s & 3 x 10 turnovers
1a-rear delt alt hold flys x 20 total (10/side)
1b-lateral raises alt hold x 20 total (10/side)
1c-cuban presses x 10
1a-c 4 x’s through, 30-60 seconds rest per round
2a-row–use bands, a stool–resistance of some kind x 15
2b-back laterals x 15
4 x’s through, 30-60 seconds rest per round
3a-Push ups x max
3b-air fly flex holds x 15
4 x’s through, 30-60 seconds rest per round
If you have resistance to add, feel free to modify!
PE with BEE-Leg day 2 Thursday
PE with BEE Day 4-leg day supersets
Warm up = 2 minute wall squat, 3 x 10 standing Flamingo curls
You learned these moves on tabata Monday. Now put them into reps and sets!
1a-Good Mornings-pvc if you got it x 10
1b-Glute bridge-feet up on box or like object x 10
2a-Bulgarian Split Squat-trailing leg up on box or like object
2b-Squats-prisoner style at wall
–do 1a,b and 2a, 2b and repeat 4 x’s through
3-Cossack Squat, 2 one way, 2 the other, up to 20 total (60 second rest, repeat 3-4 x’s)
4-Calf raises-on edge of step if possible 4 sets of 15
PE with BEE Core and Agility lesson one
Warm up= 2 minute wall squat–see earlier video
Things needed to perform workout: Jump rope (optional), space to jump 4-10 feet, 4 objects or cones to set up 4-7 feet apart in a square, and a 30 second timer (clock).
A. Bicycle Crunch x 30 reps
B. Spider Crawl x 30 reps
C. Jump Rope x 30 reps
4 times through then on to round II.
A. Reverse Crunch x 20 reps
B. Russian Twist x 30 reps
C. Broad Jump to back peddle x 10 reps
4 times through then on to round III.
A. Plank Tap x 20 reps
B. 4 Cone Drill x 30 seconds
4 times through
**you can definitely modify this to be easier or more difficult by increasing reps on any or all the motions.