BEEfit Training App Free Sample!
Message us to request your FREE invite to utilize two weeks of BEEfit branded training!
This is not some cookie cutter programming.
This is an intermediate level program–we can get easier than this, and we definitely have more challenging and advanced programs.
Logbooks create an additional advantage for training. To be motivated by your own progress in strength is intrinsic motivation and that leads to the long term–delayed gratification goals that hypertrophy/strength training (what we combine to call aesthetic strength training) create a hunger for!

App Description:
Welcome to BEEfit training methods!
This is a sample and introduction to Aesthetic Strength Training from BEEfit:
A balanced approach to strength and physique building centered on classic hypertrophy principles, olympic lifts, mobility, progression, form, and ultimately, creating the most physically fit version of you possible. The BEEfit global approach to muscle building promotes a stable and proportional physique that is suitable for all ages.
This split is a lower body day with shoulders, an upper body day without shoulders, and a total body day. There is also our Nutrition tab for additional information and the opportunity to pose questions to be answered by our lead trainer.
Our programs are typically designed for 12 weeks of periodized progressions. This is an introduction to our methods and approach.
If you would like to train with us with greater direction and on a personalized training app–we are just a quick message away once you’ve set up your app! You can always email us directly though at and we can set up a call or correspond via email.