dotFIT is the only brand!
There is not another brand that offers the quality, value, efficacy, scientific backing, synergistic qualities, safety, and as many NSF certified supplements as dotFIT.
IF you buy your supplements from Amazon, Costco, SuperSupplements, online retailers etc, there is a near 100 % likelihood that you are ingesting things other than what the labels claim!
Unregulated industry.
0.0 Consumer protection.
Amazon and the big supplement stores are not better.
What do you do as a consumer?
This is one BIG REASON I do dotFIT.
This unmatched combination and effectiveness makes this the only brand I utilize for my clients, my family, my gym members, and myself.
Why do I mention all these people?
They all matter A LOT to me!
I want the best for them.
I don’t want them to waste time, $, or health when I have invested so much of those things to learn what I have learned.
Benefit from my extensive investments into health and fitness and heed the advice I provide and I am here to answer your supplement questions!
We all need base micronutrients and our western civilization diets are predictably low in a variety of key nutrients.
The Active Multivitamin is your insurance here.
Pair this with the SuperOmega and you have some much needed nutrient support that will help you get more benefits from your diet, have better energy, better recovery from exercise/stress/life.
Some of us struggle with tablet/pill swallowing and/or fail to get our daily vegetables into our diet though. For this reason, as well as some other reasons, dotFIT created an NSF certified All-n-1 superfood product that combines two servings of veggies with the nutrients of the multivitamin, the Superomega, and probiotic! This product or the pairing of the multivitamin and Superomega are absolutes for every individual. (yes there are age/size/sex appropriate multivitamins!–Over50, etc.)
The next important supplement is to pick your protein. Most of us need to supplement protein into our diets because we aren’t getting enough from food alone, the cost of protein is too high, and/or the digestion rates for protein sources can make it difficult to get the timing down.
Enter Whey protein–the king of bioavailability, amino acid profile, and digestion. This is not one size fits all however–though it does suit most. Within this supplement line you have choices to include carbohydrates or not. You also have a Plant based option. Then you also have the option of the AminoFormula which is BCAAs and EAAs (the amino acids that make up whole proteins) broken down into easily digestible and available powder that is dissolved in water and consumed immediately before and after training and at other times in the day to get to your daily protein needs.
All these ‘Protein’ products are used for that means–to supplement daily protein needs. If you don’t or can’t get it from food–supplement it.
As I mentioned–timing, digestibility and your bodies ability to derive the nutrients from the food source plays largely into your decisions on supplementation.
I know that I utilize the Whey Smooth, Pre/post and AminoFormula for my own dietary needs. The fact that I can count on their nutrient content, digestibility, quality, and best in market pricing–makes for a very reassuring experience.
Every Product from dotFIT is the best in the market–from the Creatine to the joint flex to the probiotic to the protein to multivitamin to the pre-workout–everything is thoroughly researched, tested, vetted, and they don’t fall victim to fads or subject their consumers to anything less than the best.
PRE workout description:
Here is a brief summary guide for the best nutritional support available (this is the ONLY brand we use and recommend due to its certified quality, product development, and great value)…
Listed in order of importance…ask me if you have any questions.
dotFIT stacks
Essential Stack (Good for all-even if NOT training)
Active MMV (AM and PM with food)
SuperOmega (once daily with food)
WheySmooth (In shakes for meal replacement, or as a pre/post protein option) —get pre/post formula if need carbs.
Creatine —either formula from dotFIT (more expensive is for hard training)
**can replace MMV, Omega, Antioxidant, and probiotics with the ALL-n-one from dotFIT
Youth Stack
Active MMV (AM and PM with food)
SuperOmega (once daily with food)
First String or- Pre/Post Protein powder
dotBARS (snacks)
Essential Plus
Active MMV (AM and PM with food)
SuperOmega (once daily with food)
AminoFormula (Pre and post workout–and as needed)
Creatine —either formula from dotFIT (more expensive is for hard training)
Pre/Post Protein powder
Muscle Defender (Post workout and before bed).
Workout Extreme (pre workout energy, energy & coffee replacement)
**can replace MMV, Omega, Antioxidant, and probiotics with the ALL-n-one from dotFIT
Pro Stack
Active MMV (AM and PM with food)
SuperOmega (once daily with food)
AminoFormula (Pre and post workout–and as needed)
Pre/Post Protein powder
Muscle Defender (Post workout and before bed).
Workout Extreme (pre workout energy, energy & coffee replacement)
NO7Rage (extra energy for lifts–workout extreme can be taken on a fast). Do not combine with workout extreme unless you have a high caffeine tolerance (stay under 400mg caffeine).
Creatine XXXL (Pre and post workout) (Creatine —either formula from dotFIT (more expensive is for hard training)
Joint Flex (Am & Pm before meals)
dotBARS (snacks)
**can replace MMV, Omega, Antioxidant, and probiotics with the ALL-n-one from dotFIT
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Please remember your oath to clean up the equipment that you use and replace it to its proper location.
Let me know if you have any questions…I would strongly encourage you to attend one of our group training classes and to get on some form of a program for structure.
Posted on: November 27, 2023Ryan