Most Supplements Are TRASH!
A majority of mass market supplements are underformulated or full of contaminants. These are the non-NSF-certified supplements most consumers buy and are found at Costco, supplement stores, sold by pyramid schemers, and endorsed by celebrity athletes that have long gotten their gains from PED use.
How did this happen? Namely deregulation of the supplement industry by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, or DSHEA. Since this time, supplements have all been assumed by the FDA to be safe and their label claims true until proven otherwise. The burden of proof lies in the trial and error use of these supplements by the general population and when and if the product is proven to be faulty, there is little to no recourse in corrective action. To put it plainly: THERE IS NO REGULATION OF SUPPLEMENTATION IN THE US. I can sell you magic workout powder that my supplement label claims is made from the stemcells of Jesus, charge what I want, sell it on Amazon, and you can’t do a thing about it when all you get is micronized sucralose with a splattering of random stimulants. That is mass market supplementation. All label claims and window dressings, no efficacy, no quality, no purity, no potency, no guarantees of label claims.
How is dotFIT different?
They are the most thoroughly researched and certified practitioner supplement brand–which is to say it is only sold in private channels, sold by trained professionals, and taken by more professional athletes than any other brand.
What is NSF then? NSF is the highest certification board in the US for supplements. “The NSF mark assures consumers, retailers and regulators that certified products have been rigorously tested to comply with all standard requirements. (
I recommend everyone begin with the
1-Active Multivitamin
2 Protein powder (whey, best plant, or pre/post &/or Aminoboost XXL)
3-SuperOmega is recommended If you don’t wild fish 3 x’s week or more.
4-WORKOUT EXTREME : If you like caffeine and/or often drink energy drinks–stop with the energy drinks–black coffee is fine and all, but dotFIT’s workout extreme is an improvement as an energy source. Replacing the energy drinks with the WORKOUT EXTREME will save $–and be much more healthy ($20/month or less).
Please email me if you have any questions! You should also use the supplement screener on the dotFIT website.
Set up recurring orders of $25 or more for free shipping and discounts. You can adjust the recurring orders easily and get reminders before they are sent.
No brand matches the quality, purity, and potency of dotFIT.
Below are links and brief explanations of each supplement. There is an abundance of information available on the benefits of each of these in addition to thorough explanations of the formulas and the NSF testing supporting their efficacy. Links to this information can be found on the dotFIT website. You don’t need to click each link to get to the cart, but here they are. You can just click the first one and then add the rest of the things to the cart. At check out you should get the option to set up 30, 60, or 90 day auto re-ordering. I suggest you do so to avoid running out of essential nutrient support once you’re accustomed to it. I have listed below the supplements to correspond with your meal plan that is forthcoming. They are listed in order of importance and taken as such. I.E. The protein powder won’t be as effective if you’re not taking your multivitamin with food 2 times a day consistently.
My exact stack of supplements as an all natural, professional bodybuilder:
Active Multivitamin
Super omega
Pre/Post Protein powder (chocolate and birthday cake flavor packets)
AminoBoost XXL
All natural Whey Smooth Protein Powder (chocolate)
Muscle Defender (stabilized Glutamine)
Workout Extreme (if you like caffeine)
Creatine XXXL
Superior Antioxidant
Dotfit bars like the pb&j or lemon stick, or the cookies for snacks–all flavors are good.
digestive enzyme
Everyone, even if they’re not working out regularly, would receive health benefits from the Multivitamin, the superomega, and either the aminoboostxxl/whey smooth for protein support.
Youth athletes should all be on the aforementioned multivitamin and super omega. Additionally, they need a focus on hydration and carbohydrate intake in a 2/1 ratio to protein. IE, 150 pound kid aims for ¾-1 ounce water for every pound of weight and 300 g of carbs per day and 150 g of Protein. Most youth athletes should be on First String protein powder.
First String protein powder. For youth athletes or as a meal replacement for an adult. This is ideal pre and post training fuel.
Pre/Post Protein powder:
Some like the additional flavors and slightly lower carbohydrate profile of the pre/post workout protein formula. You can get a variety pack with these and they’re quite tasty. Orange Cream and Birthday Cake are my two favorite. (after writing this for you, I realized that I should just post this in general. I want you to know I intended this for you and that this is the same stuff I wish I had to take when I was younger and what I have my niece and nephew taking).
In addition to the Active Multivitamin
There are a number of key supplements to aid in optimizing nutrition…
Super omega – take with evening meal if you don’t eat fatty wild fish that day.
Superior Antioxidant – take with post workout meal.
Amino Boost XXL Watermelon, Grape, Lemonade, or Blue Raspberry. Take pre and post workout as directed, or during a workout, or between meals
Muscle Defender (Glutamine)–take post workout with shake, aminos or just water if eating a meal.
Whey Smooth (vanilla or chocolate) – take post workout if not taking aminos, otherwise use to make smoothies by adding additional ingredients to make a meal replacement (see recipes on dotFIT website).
First String protein powder. For youth athletes or as a meal replacement for an adult. This is ideal pre and post training fuel.
Pre/Post Protein powder:
Some like the additional flavors and slightly lower carbohydrate profile of the pre/post workout protein formula. You can get a variety pack with these and they’re quite tasty. Orange Cream and Birthday Cake are my two favorite. (after writing this for you, I realized that I should just post this in general. I want you to know I intended this for you and that this is the same stuff I wish I had to take when I was younger and what I have my niece and nephew taking).
Posted on: December 4, 2020Ryan