Training App
We are continually developing our training App in order to provide a thorough learning experience of the BEEfit principles for our members. This Personalized Training App program features instructional videos, a logbook, two-way communication with your trainer, alternative workouts/movements, mobility tab with instructions on ways to mobilize and clear up motion and movement issues, nutritional guidance tab to keep improving your understanding of nutrition, and more is being added and updated daily! All the information and guidance you will need on your fitness journey is available from our app! (You are always welcome to add some personal training alongside the app to accelerate the journey).
The app provides you with a professional, dedicated, and experienced guide that has not only been thoroughly through the process before–but continues to teach, preach, practice and expand the BEEfit principles.
The app has various levels of programs with different results expected from each. Whether you are a beginner, an athlete prepping for a sport, a bodybuilder, a grandparent, general population, post surgery, postpartum, and everywhere in between–we have a program suited for you.
Instructional videos with each movement.
Clear explanations for each movement.
Most programs are 12 or 8 weeks, broken into 4 week training blocks. Many movements carry over from one cycle of training to the next.
Our App will help you BEE YOUR BEST VERSION.
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