You don’t want to be the youngest person in the nursing home…
“Things which do not grow and change are dead things.” – Louise Erdrich
Tired of being dead? See us at BEEfit–we are ready to equip you with all you need to succeed.
How? (we have our ways…start by simply joining the gym or message us for a FREE consult to talk about your goals!
We do our best to create a fitness environment that is inviting to everything thriving. An attitude of gratitude for the body, mind, and human spirt purveys and we celebrate our ability to grow through the challenges presented by intentional strength training. The stimulus from training is only as good as the support from nutrition, hydration, rest, and the understanding of the individual factors that impact our recovery from hard work and everyday life.
Training at BEEfit comes in many fashions. We want to make sure you are thriving! Understanding that we all have different budgets to work with, we have created programs that give the support of one on one personal training, at the cost of less than one session per week!

🐝Personal training Class times:
✅M-f 6-7am
✅T,w,Th 530-7pm
These are small group, personal trainer led, training app supported, all equipment partitioned (tools are available as needed/wanted–no compromises). –less than 10 people, in a room set up for the movements in the program…then you add the community support factor–positive hardworking folks are contagious!
Our personal training classes are especially helpful at establishing the fitness habit.
Accountability and movements/program modified for the individual.
Working with professional helps avoid common mistakes and guides the student to focus on recovery, longterm progress and sustainability.
Community support.
Direction–you know what to do, why we are doing it, the benefits, and all the nuances that tie together.
Nutritional Guidance: THIS is where we separate ourselves even more from other trainers, gyms, etc. We guide you through the nebula of nutrition, working with you to create your understanding of the human energy system, eating to fuel your body for activity and recovery, and ultimately establishing a positive relationship with food and nutrition.
By following our specially designed program, you are guided along a 12 week program with 3 periods or intervals of 4 week training blocks–each one more progressively challenging than the last–all with the coaching from your trainer in person and though the support app that also functions as your training log. The app is like your trainer in your pocket! The entire program is laid out and explained in the app–with succinct videos, two-way communication with the coach (not some bot/newbie), and a training log! The training log doesn’t just track your reps and sets. It monitors your progress, tracks your goals, adds accountability, shares your work with your trainer, adds an extra layer of motivation in the ‘you’ vs. ‘you’ progression day-to-day. And, you get digital stickers for various achievements–now you’re in, right?!
But there are more ways to train here at BEE fit.
That is just one of our training options.
Other options?
Just do a regular membership and go. We’d recommend meeting with our resident all natural professional bodybuilder, owner, and lead coach to maximize the use of the gym and your body–but that’s up to you! We just expect you to treat fellow gym members and the equipment with the utmost respect and courtesy!
Each new member gets a PERSONAL TRAINING CLASS FOR FREE (we can use this hour to discuss goals/do the class/do just a muscle group). Message to schedule your time after joining!
So yes, we offer One on One personal training and you get access to all the knowledge and awesome tools!
Email to consult/schedule
Other ways we are offering training:
Youth Athletic Performance program: BEE ELITE (February 2024 Launch)–one on one youth training available immediately!
This is an 8 week program to prepare and prime young athletes for peak athletic performance.
We will cover two four week blocks of training.
Emphasis on explosive movement patterns, technique, training balance/log booking–learning how to train for life!
Nutritional Component: We not only provide a personalized plan for every BEE ELITE athlete, we have ongoing education, seminars, supplement bar, online support, and more resources so every athlete knows how to fuel, refuel, and recover properly so they can perform at their best!
Everyone should train/eat/recover like an athlete!
We can all learn and discover with and from each other!
MORE ways to train:
-55+ training groups!! Strength training is the BEST anti aging tool! Train safe and wisely with a trainer designed and led program with your buddies!

-One on One Personal Training with one of our trainers! Message us for a FREE consult!
The sooner you start strength training regularly–the sooner you offset the clock and extend the time in your prime!
It is better to be the oldest person in the weight room than the youngest in the nursing home…
ON that note–we want to enable every individual with the right information for the goal and body! There are principles at play and nutritional science to heed for each of us.
With over 20 years experience in fitness education, nutrition, strength training, and athletics–the variety of clients I (Coach Ryan) have been fortunate to work with has created a global approach to training that encompasses all the details in the order of priority that makes the best sense on an individual basis.
Our gym and training systems continue to expand.
We offer consultation for home gyms and commercial space gyms–IE, apartments, Air BNB, Hotels.

Our training team is ever expanding as well–If you are a talented trainer that is interested in renting out space from BEEfit, contact us today for a consult!
More exciting news coming soon!!!
In the meantime, if you are thinking about joining, do so today before rates increase on December 1st, 2023!
(See the JOIN tab on main page)
Let’s BEEfit before the New Year!
Ugly Xmas Sweater, 12 stations of Christmas Event 12.23!!! More details coming soon!