OVER 50? Eat more PROTEIN!

OVER 50? Eat more PROTEIN!

Our needs for dietary protein intake grow as we age. By age 70 you need to be consuming at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight. Why? Just read this quick medical abstract… 



“Body composition changes as people get older. One of the noteworthy alterations is the reduction in total body protein. A decrease in skeletal muscle is the most noticeable manifestation of this change but there is also a reduction in other physiologic proteins such as organ tissue, blood components, and immune bodies as well as declines in total body potassium and water. This contributes to impaired wound healing, loss of skin elasticity, and an inability to fight infection. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adults for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Protein tissue accounts for 30% of whole-body protein turnover but that rate declines to 20% or less by age 70. The result of this phenomenon is that older adults require more protein/kilogram body weight than do younger adults. Recently, it has become clear that the requirement for exogenous protein is at least 1.0 gram/kilogram body weight. Adequate dietary intake of protein may be more difficult for older adults to obtain. Dietary animal protein is the primary source of high biological value protein, iron, vitamin B(12), folic acid, biotin and other essential nutrients. In fact, egg protein is the standard against which all other proteins are compared. Compared to other high-quality protein sources like meat, poultry and seafood, eggs are the least expensive. The importance of dietary protein cannot be underestimated in the diets of older adults; inadequate protein intake contributes to a decrease in reserve capacity, increased skin fragility, decreased immune function, poorer healing, and longer recuperation from illness.”

The benefits of a high protein diet then would be to offset the effects of aging. Noting the importance of the amino acid Leucine that is in varying states of bioavailability in different proteins, I recommend supplementation with NSF certified AminoXXL and Wheysmooth from dotFIT. Along those lines of nutrient support for known deficiencies, I encourage the use of a high quality daily multivitamin and mineral complex. The OVER50 is best for most folks in the over 50 years of age demographic (exceptions being 6 days/week athletes).

Planning, or rather, pattering out your nutrient intake involves examining your current eating patterns and making necessary adjustments that lead to better, sustainable habits of health that progress you towards your goals. Here are some keys:

Eating window:

When you eat, how much you eat, how long until you eat again?

It is best to eat within 12 hour eating windows. For example, if your first meal is at 7am, try to make your last meal at 7 pm. It is certainly ok to go longer than 12 hours without eating as long as you are consuming water, but the body seems to respond well to 12 hours away from food. 

Once you are eating, you are going to want to fill your plate with protein rich, nutrient dense foods for the most parts. The leaner the protein, the better. Your goal is to get in at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. It would be better to aim for 1.2 grams/pound though. IE–200 pound person x 1.2 = 240 grams Protein per day 200 grams carbs 60-80 grams fat/day. 

Equation for maintenance/fat loss:

1.2-1.5 g/p/pound=

1 g Carbs or less per pound= 

bodyweight x 12 calories x 30 percent=

It is a simple and highly effective method to set a reasonable macronutrient range when you are looking to get the proper nutrients for muscle retention/promotion, but not put on excess body fat.

It would be ideal to divide your protein and other macros evenly throughout the day on non-training days. On training days it would be most ideal to keep the meals right before and right after training to a little higher in carbohydrates and lower in fats if possible. 

Once you know your daily needs for your food and eat your first meal, plan to eat your next meal in 2-4 hours at the most–with every 3 hours being rather ideal. 

Key protein sources: Lean beef (best if grass fed), Chicken/turkey Breast (ground is fine), Fish, Eggs–cage free preferred (though egg whites have zero fat, they’re also not filling, so have some yolk or mix in additional protein sources), Protein powder (Wheysmooth, and/or pre/post–the pre/post mix has carbohydrates in it already), AminoXXL powder. The supplements are best right before, during, and after training sessions, and before bed. They can certainly be utilized at other eating windows though if other food sources are not an option. 

Key Carbohydrate sources: Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Quinoa, jasmine rice, oats (especially if fermented–see me for recipe), whole grain bread (max one per day of bread–like Dave’s Killer Bread)…brown rice has been known to cause distention/digestion issues for some and is only marginally lower on the glycemic index compared to jasmine rice. I add turmeric powder to my rice. I also ferment my oats and have a guide for doing such. 

Additionally: If it is from a green leafy vegetable or cauliflower, it doesn’t count against you and is a clean carb when you are not in a fasted state. Slow and fast release carbs will determine how you choose your carbs from there. (Reference glycemic index–lower the score is better later in the day/slower the release of energy).  

Fruits are good, especially berries, kiwi, and bananas–but watch the serving sizes. Fruits are best around your workout time (hour before, within hour after) fruits like apples and bananas would be a good idea. Due to their high sugar contents however, we’ll watch the timing of our fruit intake or steer towards low sugar fruits like blueberries and strawberries. If fasting, some fruits in the first 1-2 meals out of the fast would be nice.

Key Fat Sources: Fat satisfies hunger, aids in brain and muscle function. So we need it. Get it from good sources like coconut, nuts and seeds, avocado, Olive Oil, small few ounces of dark chocolate, natural nut spreads, and in the protein sources you consume like salmon, grass fed beef, eggs, peanut butter, and yes even a little bacon. It is all about portions. 

Key supplement list:

OVER 50 Active Multivitamin 




Possible additional supplements of benefit:

Vitamin D3–if you live in the PNW or other dreary, sun deprived location.

SuperCalcium–if you don’t consume dairy.

JointFlex–If you have rickety joints, tendons, etcetera. Or just want your hair and skin to look better. 

dotBARs–for snacks/desserts or to pair with a protein shake to make a full meal. 

Probiotics–stomach health

Digestive aid–self explanatory…but it helps you break down your food more efficiently.

BEEfit dotFIT link:


-Set up an account upon check out and select auto shipping every 60 days for your OVER 50 multivitamin, SuperOmega, and AminoXXL. Set the WheySmooth on 30 days–since we expect you to use that 1-2/day on average.

Posted on: September 5, 2021Ryan

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