PE with BEE day 5: Upper body super and giant sets
PE with BEE Upperbody 2, super and giant sets combining motions from upper body day 1.
Warm up: 3 x 10 wall V’s & 3 x 10 turnovers
1a-rear delt alt hold flys x 20 total (10/side)
1b-lateral raises alt hold x 20 total (10/side)
1c-cuban presses x 10
1a-c 4 x’s through, 30-60 seconds rest per round
2a-row–use bands, a stool–resistance of some kind x 15
2b-back laterals x 15
4 x’s through, 30-60 seconds rest per round
3a-Push ups x max
3b-air fly flex holds x 15
4 x’s through, 30-60 seconds rest per round
If you have resistance to add, feel free to modify!
Posted on: April 3, 2020Ryan