Teen Program: Open Enrollment
BEEfit Teen Strength Team– app based programs available to teens everywhere!

Teen Program (Open Enrollment):
Our coaching, accountability, and guidance program features an open enrollment. This means that we are continually growing and welcoming in new members that are interested in progressing their bodies and minds. Our goal is to establish proper training systems that align with individual needs and goals. There is lots of misinformation and blatant PED abuse out there. BEEfit is committed to ALL NATURAL bodybuilding and sports performance. To succeed in this realm, we cultivate the principles of advanced sports nutrition and training. These principles we are constantly progressing with our clients and in our own training. WE PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH and we reap (and share) the rewards.
This program is ideal for teen athletes interested in optimizing their performance and improving their physiques in terms of strength, agility, mobility, stamina, and injury prevention.
Not an athlete? The program (Strength, agility and nutrition) is still a great option. Being “athletic” is not at all necessary to gain the rewards of the program. The gym is a place where we work on our weaknesses, safely/progressively/wisely overcome failure repeatedly.
Mental and physical fitness are intertwined.
Let’s get going! You can always email ryanbeefit@gmail.com with questions about the program and other BEEfit offerings.
Option 9 for Teen Strength Team App and Gym access
or just the
Teen Strength Team App
Step 1–Enroll (can do an initiation/evaluation class as a paid trial and $25 applied towards enrollment). Beefit.clubautomation.com msg ryanbeefit@gmail.com to arrange trial class.
Step 2–attend scheduled initiation/evaluation class T/W/Th 530-7pm or Sat at 930 or 10 am.
Step 3– Get app based and goal specific 12 week training program. Also get Meal Guide!
Step 4–Attend personal training classes to work on assigned material at discounted rates ($100 for 4 class punch card) or set up personal training sessions on own or with workout partner (s)–rates vary.
Step 5- Attend monthly program seminars to review mechanics, answer questions, perform ab training, review nutrition, meet with fellow Teen Strength Team members, and go over all other details that arise that need to be addressed.
Step 6–Maintain 2 way communication with coach Ryan via the app as you advance through the program. Share training videos, questions, schedule training sessions, etc–your coach is always right there with you.
Step 7-By week 10, have a plan in place with coach Ryan to evaluate and set up next 12 week plan. (Plans vary in type, intensity, frequency, goals, etc).
Email ryanbeefit@gmail.com to request a call or correspond via email.
Posted on: May 2, 2023Ryan