WHEN: 9/24/24 at 7pm
WHERE: BEEfit 311 State Street Sedro-Woolley
WHAT: We will guide you on proper warm up and execution of the free weight/bodyweight squat variation best suited for where you are currently at! You might be goblet/front/back/safety bar/bodyweight/trx squatting depending upon your own capabilities.
HOW: RSVP VIA EMAIL with your name, age, and experience level (1-beginner, 2-intermediate, 3-regular gym goer, 4-advanced squatter (full ROM, 3 plates per side type)
WHO: Clinic is taught by our master trainer, Ryan Bee. Ryan is pound for pound one of the strongest humans you will ever meet. He squats nearly 3 x’s his bodyweight, deadlifts 3 x’s his bodyweight, can complete 100 pull ups and 100 push ups in under 10 minutes, complete over 200 double unders with a jumprope in a minute, and many more strength and performance related accolades in addition to his being a certified-all natural professional bodybuilder.
This clinic is being offered FREE of CHARGE to the community!
Once you RSVP you will be asked to fill out a training waiver to secure your spot in the clinic!