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Your body is like a house, with the exception that it’s the only one you get for your whole life!

Think about the investment that your body is compared to a house…

On average, building a house takes between 7 and 12 months with factors like the complexity of the design, location, and whether it’s a custom build impacting the overall timeline; a standard contractor-built home can be completed in approximately 6-9 months, while a fully custom home might take 10-16 months.

Conversely, it will take at least seven weeks to establish the workout habit and at least 7 to 12 months to build a decent body, and at the low end, the minimum time. This is where you start to lose a lot of people, because they don’t want to accept that their timeline is going to be quite a bit longer than they would hope. You see, people wanna get away with doing the least amount of work possible and getting the best outcome these days. Somehow, having a disconnect from the fact that it took a long time to end up in the condition they are currently in.

If you take a look above, you can see the custom home portion saying ten to sixteen months – and use this as your bare minimum baseline to manage your expectations.

Let’s be honest – this is under the best of circumstances, so you better tack on some extra time, because you know right now that you’re not gonna be perfect, and you’re probably gonna have some regressions along the way.

I’m picturing a couple houses in the process of being built right now in the winter, with the freezing temperatures…it isn’t a great time to be out there finishing these houses. But I’ll tell you this, everyday these houses sit out there in the weather unfinished, they’re deteriorating slowly…much like you will if you neglect to finish building your physiological house.

Imagine a guy like me as the general contractor and you essentially as the future homeowner and the laborer that has to do all the work and pay for your house. Reading those above lines just can piss some people off – because you can’t just buy this outcome for yourself. You have to pay for it and you have to earn it—and that is bc this is a process, and not a product.

I’d also like to point out that just because you’re showing up “to work,” in quotations, on the daily doesn’t mean your house is gonna end up being built very well. So you could be putting in a whole hell of a lot of time, $, & effort and not even ending up with a desirable outcome—expending all those resources for a home that you are unhappy with.

The sooner you can start viewing your physiological self (you are a living breathing piece of real estate) as the aforementioned, you can be psychologically equipped to know what to expect, and the work that’s ahead.

Lastly, you need to stop fantasizing about what the finished product could be or look like and start obsessing about the daily work that needs to be put in in order to get that sort of outcome.

Your body, unfortunately, is the house you have to live in your entire life….you can’t sell it…all you can do is continually make improvements and updates to it, and build the equity of it—or you can diligently neglect it and watch it depreciate in value, right in front of your own eyes and everyone else’s.

‼️ FYI ‼️

I offer FREE INSPECTIONS & APPRAISALS right in the gym.

You don’t need to pay me any money for this valuable service— just arrive in a clean pair of sneakers and some clothes that you can move around in well….Because I’m gonna put your body to the test, not sit there and visit with you about your entire life’s history or gloat about the things that I’m capable of doing for you.

1️⃣ You will need to sign a digital waiver in case you die (hasn’t happened ever…I promise & I’ve actually saved lives!).

2️⃣ I won’t hurt you in any way other than maybe your ego, so please leave that in your high school gym class or with your fantasy football league.

3️⃣ More than likely you are going to leave having learned some new things about yourself, and probably an elevated level of curiosity as to what it could look like training like this on a regular basis.

So get a good night’s sleep…pack yourself a healthy & nutritious lunch, and be prepared for some Iron Therapy.

Life is short, Let’s BEEfit!

I’m ready to help you!


The All Natty Muscle Coach, nutritionist, performance, & fat loss specialist @ BEEfit

What do I do for you as a personal trainer is a lot like what a master builder does for a home: 

Physique & Movement Assessment: Gather data.

Diagnose: Pinpoint the issue and address needs.

Build/Intervene: Create a plan. 

Monitor & Evaluate: Track progress and adjust plan as needed for progress.

I work with you to build a training system that drives real results. 

Based upon your body, your schedule, your goals/needs, and your access to equipment. 

You get an expert guide to be there with you, rep by rep, day by day. This does more than provide accountability. This is hiring a master builder versus a guy that builds rudimentary bird houses. 

This is how you make sure your efforts and time are focused on the right things at the proper time.

Fitness success and your best version is right here. 

WHAT IS IN A PLAN? Typically covering  a 6-12 week span. The plan will cover your workouts, nutrition, supplementation, recovery, philosophy, psychology, cardio regimen and everything you need to know to affect your physiology (how you look and feel). Your custom plan will address all these factors to achieve your desired outcome. Most importantly, we build a sustainable habit and an outcome that you are happy with. 

Let’s BEEfit!

Schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation today!

Do you represent a business/HR department? Let’s set up a Corporate Wellness Plan?

Email or call to schedule your FREE assessment/appraisal!


Phone: 360-524-2078

Posted on: January 23, 2025Ryan

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